Back in high school I had a militant lesbian / female supremist biology teacher who single-handedly put me off a career in medicine. She was relentless in trying to prove female superiority. She had the schools science classes segregated on gender and then proceeded to deduct marks off the male class for mucking around with our dissection lab subjects. Yes she had found our gender's great weakness. A gender biologically conditioned to hunting can't possibly resist the urge to celebrate a kill by throwing its internal organs at one another.
Her dream future was one in which the human race had perfected itself to a super-species of assexually cloned Amazons and men had become *gulp* extinct.
No good for me. like couldn't we just hang around to be sex slaves, 'breeders'?... NO ... in her vision of the world men had to become extinct. it was the only way to achieve world peace and amazonian utopia.
but all is not lost. recent research has shown that stem cells can be harvested from testes. (cue our favourite pic again) So? that doesn't help the Amazonian super-race I hear you say. well, yes it does.
So if my high school biology teacher ever assumes control over the world I can have this scenario to present to her on behalf of MAN-kind ... you can use to stem cells to grow organs. Men can be kept around as testicle farms in battery cages so our organs can be harvested. so Ms ********* HA! you can't kill us all off just yet!
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