Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Eep! I'm an old fart with p*ss weak injuries

A topic brought up by Merrick and Rosso yesterday got me thinking about this and I'm come to the realisation that OMG! I'm an old fart!
Gone are the days when I could brag about tough, manly injuries like being fouled so hard playing basketball that my shoulder popped out or the time I face planted while trying to surf my bike. This year, my list of injuries is looking really lame. The results are still there but the execution in getting my injuries are just too lame. In the last year I've
- pulled a hammie getting off the sofa while watching TV. serious!
- sprained my knee while doing up my shoelaces
- put my back out by sleeping on my side
sometimes I swear I can hear myself creaking when I walk up the stairs.

On the same wavelength involving defective body parts, check out this cool animation on defective robots


Steph said...

You're not officially old until you turn down sex because you're too tired or it's too cold.

yurl said...

steph: doh! I guess its official then.