people have been telling me that I've lost weight lately, so in an effort to return to the status quo I've devised the "Krispy Kreme Diet". Thanks to my sponsor Kublai who personally air freighted and hand delivered my first batch of Krispy Kremes all the way from Sydney (we don't have Krispy Kreme in Perth, much to my disappointment). I've been addicted to Krispy Kremes since my first trip to NY but I've been forced to go cold turkey being here in Perth. Before anyone suggests Doughnut King, let me point out there is not substitite, KK's are vastly superior to any doughnut in the know universe.
Instead of the expected rapid weight gain, I've actually lost more weight.
I finished the 11 out of 12 doughnuts in one sitting and felt kinda ill. In fact I could barely touch food for the next 2 scheduled meals. I actually lost half a kg over the next 2 days due to loss of appetite.
Now I'm thinking I may be onto something here. I might have to patent this Krispy Kreme Diet - Eat enough Krispy Kremes to put you off food for the next few days. Hey, I've got irrefutable evidence of 100% success rate from my sample control group (statistically numbering uno). This could be worth big bucks. It can't be any more damaging than the water diet, the chocolate mousse diet or the wafer biscuit diet.
Krispy Kreme could sposor you to spread the word. Think of all the free donuts!!
yeah, I could be Krispy Kreme boy. Kinda like Jarrad from Subway. I like it!
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